Monday, February 15, 2010

V-Day Stuffie

Hello Fanz,
Debbie here to show you pics of my V-Day stuffie.
I loves it!

Taking a short break, see how my stuffie still looks the same after 10 mins of play?

Lucy's stuffie after just 3 mins

This is why you don't give a weim a stuffie (actual time of destruction was 7 mins), oh the horror!

I hope you all had a good V-Day. Just a heads up: there will be a big announcement later this week, otay, Bha-bye!


  1. hello debbie its dennis the vizsla dog hay oh noes!!! that defektiv stuffie eksploded all over the playse!!! ok bye

  2. Hi Debbie
    How gentle you are with that stuffy. Don't let the weims near it.
    Love Ruby & Penny
    Pees - We can't wait to hear your announcement.

  3. LOL debbie knows how to keep her toy nice. look at lucy lol
