Hello Fanz, Debbie back again. Foster mommy wanted me to tell you sorry for no posts lately. I'ves been in foster home for 18 weeks and a few days. Mom tells me time flies having me in da house because I yam so much fun.
I'm happy it is warming up again so we can go on our 30 min walks on the trails in the neighborhood. Foster mom is a baby and won't go if it is under 15 degrees. But I run hot and walking in the cold doesn't bother me.This is prolly because I raced in Rhode Island for many years instead of the warm south. In fact, mom stop making me use the annoying
snood because I was getting too warm with it on. I love reading pee mail and leaving lots of them too. I only walk with Lucy because foster mom can't handle three big dogs( the weims like to pull her, not me I yam perfect). After we girlz are done she walks Leroy alone and I don't like that so I whine a bit and yam happy when they get back.
I loves to sunbathe. When the sun hit the couch and walls I stand by it and wonder how to get it on me. Foster mom laughs at me when I do this because I have not figured out how to climb up on the couch like the weims (and she doesn't show me hows because NLGA want hounds to stay off furniture). So I lay on the dog bed and wait for it to hit the floor. Then I get first dibs where I want to lay because I yam da queen.
Well I yam off for a fun walk, so bha-bye.
Foster mom: How can that be comfortable?
Me: Eye use toy as a nice pillow, see I'm smart.
Mom: Uh, you're gonna get a kink in that beautiful neck.
Me: I am part giraffe so no worries.